Friday, November 18, 2011

Drawing the face and head

We are getting to the end of the semester and Drawing I! So now we are working on putting together all the steps we have learned - in drawing portraits. Remember the steps we talked about from Betty Edward's book- DotRSotB First we start by perceiving and learning to draw: 1)edges- contour 2)spaces- ie negative spaces and shapes 3)relationships- proportions, sighting and measuring 4)light and shadow- anatomy or shadow:highlights,cast, etc 5)Gestalt- putting it all together by focusing intently on the first four skills
Use all these concepts in observing your subject!
Also remember everything we've learned about the elements of art:
Line, Shape, Value, and Texture
People and faces are a major subject of art and faces are effective for training beginners in SEEing and drawing because it requires requires fine perception skills. Also because we can all see immediately the correctness of our proportions. Beginners think people are a difficult subject but actually as with any subject all the visual information is there and accessible. ***Drawing is always the same task- all require the same basic perceptual skills. Aside from complexity, one subject is not harder or easier than another- though some seem harder because we have more strongly embedded symbols to break!*** Work on bypassing those symbols, and drawing what you really see! Our brain is trying to show us what we expect but measuring proves and helps us believe what we see.
The Head:
Always begin by outlining your structure (having more information on the page helps you to see and use relationships).
Start with the gesture drawing of the oval and put a central axis line in dividing the right and left.

The Eye line ½ way in the center of the head.

The base of the Nose is ½ way between the eyes and the chin

The Mouth is 1/3 between the nose and the chin (not 1/2)

Also remember the eyes have 1 eye space between them and overall the distance across the face should be about 5 eyes wide.

The same measurements follow through into profiles but don't forget to make the back of the skull large enough! And check the distance of the ears. Also, don't forget that the head works in perspective! If you do not have a straight on view of your model (such as a 3/4 view as above) you need to adjust for perspective. And if your model's head is tilted- tilt your measurements to line up with the overall angel of the face.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Two example of student self portraits Fall 2010