Mr. Square and the Curse of Talent
Posted by Sean Michael Robinson
Well worth reading!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
(For Isa)

I love the design, drawing, and ink on this poster. The idea of having a simple flat color with a gray-scale for the background characters could also work really well but I found that the color was causing some of the elements to merge rather than helping them to stand apart.
Because of the gray-scale it was easier than normal to see what was causing this to happen. It boils down to needing more variety of value. It's funny but until I got to grad school no one had really impressed on me the importance of value. Then suddenly it was one of the most important issues all my teachers pushed.
What it boils down to is paying extra special attention to contrasting the lights and darks (no matter the color). By planning ahead with a value study you want to try to set light areas against dark areas anywhere you want to create contrast, distinction, or more interest. This is just the 2 cent explanation but I did a quick little mock up where I tried to alternate the darks and lights on the characters to help set them apart and help them stand out. This isn't a perfect example but I hope it helps show what I'm trying to explain a little?